I live in Florida, we hear a lot about “the cone of uncertainty” when a hurricane starts to form, which in turn means……. there will be many days of having the possibility of being walloped by a devastating and life-changing storm, but until it is knocking at your back door, you won’t know for sure.

When I look back on my adult life, “the cone of uncertainty” describes the way I feel I have lived my life nearly every day. There was a time when that uncertainty would leave me paralyzed by fear of the unknown.

What if I am unable to break this addiction?

What if I don’t have enough money for food this week?

What if I can’t pay rent?

What if my child doesn’t survive the deadly diagnosis he was laden with?

Those struggles, those ‘what ifs’ were real and terrifying.

Over the years I have learned that although I still live in the cone of uncertainty, I do not worry about the what-ifs, because I know that with my Higher Power beside me, all of those “what ifs…” are really “even if…”

Today we live in a world filled with constant change, uncertainty, and fear. The world is suffering, and people are scared for their future and that of their children. I too, have found myself visiting those dark places of mind. It’s difficult not to.

But I challenge us all to live in a state of acceptance and trust. Trust that there is more love than hate in this world, more hope than despair, and more people want peace than war.

The more we surround ourselves with likeminded people; people of faith, love, peace, encouragement, and inspiration, the quicker the cone will dissolve, and uncertainty will dissipate. We will know we have (and always had) the power to change the narrative of our lives and dare I say…the world.